Many people view their money matters differently. In my opinion we can devide them into 4 mindsets, the communist, the blind consumerist, the stupid capitalist, and the rich capitalist.
The Communist
This person believes that the current capitalist system is evil and that instead of being motivated by money, everybody should be working towards a common good for all mankind. This person does not believe the marketing hype of companies who are all fighting for their money. Allergic to credit or taking loans, they insist on saving and buying things in cash whenever they can. Often idealistic and extremely risk adverse, they would rather live well beneath their means (i.e.; buy no-brand clothes, generic food products, take the public transport etc.) saving most of their income in bank fixed deposit accounts earning mediocre incomes which are below the expanding rate of inflation every year.
The Blind Consumerist
These are the people who do not believe that ‘tomorrow’ exists. These people are allergic to money and happily exchange the money for other things. Corporations love this class of people as they are the one’s who are most susceptible to their marketing voodoo. Credit cards are a must for these people. To these people, bank loans are a wonderful way to pay for that trip to Fiji or that new furniture seti in the living room. Often these people are the early adopters of a new fangled gadget and the one’s who are most sensitive to the latest fashion trends. These people only consume ‘branded’ products as anything else is beneath them. Their idea of a retirement plan is the assumption that the apocalypse will happen way before they have to save up money for retirement. Their worst quality is the constant need for instant gratification.
The Stupid Capitalist
The stupid capitalist is a variation of the blind consumerist. These people do believe that a tomorrow exists and that it is crucial to make investments for a financially secure future. However, these people often lack the knowledge to invest and are often propelled by sheer greed. They believe that you must risk all to make big profits, so they gamble, speculate on the stock market, or join pyramid schemes. Although some of the lucky few do make some money, the laws of probability are against them and most end up losing their shirts. Milder versions of these type of people can be seen drowning in their own debts from making too many bad investment decisions. Sometimes these people just never learn from their own mistakes and frequently make the same bad investments over and over.
Rich Capitalist
These people are normally financially stress free. They embrace the current capitalist system as they can see that it provides people with opportunities to become wealthy. They know that the key to making money from investments is not by taking big risks but by taking calculated risks. So how do these people do it? They are constantly evolving and learning. They always seek to expand their knowledge and to learn from their past experiences (especially if they had lost money previously). They are patient and do their own in-depth research before making any investment. Part of their psyche have the characteristics of a communist (saving money) but these people seek to use this money to fund their latest investments that in most cases will give them handsome returns. One of their key qualities is delayed gratification.
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